Marketing Musings

Advice, news, tips and tidbits.

Courtney Henderson Courtney Henderson

The Creepy Truth Behind your box of Coco Pops

Ever wandered down the cereal aisle at your local Pak n’ Save feeling like all eyes are on you? Today’s slightly creepy marketing fact is that actually, that’s because they are.

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Courtney Henderson Courtney Henderson

Relationship Marketing in Action

In a beautiful example of relationship marketing in action, Libby Boxall and her team have opted to nourish their relationships with long-standing customers, taking the opportunity to generate a meaningful interaction via email that not only feels authentic, but is proof in the (skin and hair boosting) pudding that Dose & Co value me and my business.

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Courtney Henderson Courtney Henderson

Retention Marketing: A long game but a good game

Relationship marketing is a long game. It might not have that immediate satisfaction that comes from securing a new customer, or making a fresh sale, but by working hard to strengthen customer loyalty, improve brand awareness and nourish ongoing positive interactions, you're cultivating more meaningful relationships with those that already have an investment in your brand, enticing them to become brand loyal and as a result, return for your business time and time again. When it comes to relationship marketing, think of yourself as a tortoise (not a hare).

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Courtney Henderson Courtney Henderson

When is it ok to include ‘moist’ in an everyday sentence?

The process of learning to talk, and read and write, is fascinating. An average four year old has a vocabulary of 5,000 words. By the time we’re 20, we have 42,000 words and, just like my son is now, we continue to learn a new word every day. Until we hit middle age that is, and then it just… stops. Wait, what?!

As Einstein said, once you stop learning, you start dying and I don’t know about you but the thought of hitting middle age, and my vocabulary coming to a screeching halt, is dire.

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