What do we do?

Think Folk is a boutique consultancy creating genuine, targeted marketing, communications and publicity experiences to present your brand in its best light, true to your brand values, in order to attract, convert and retain the right audience

Marketing + Communications Services

Know exactly what you’re after but it’s not on this list? Or, you’re not quite sure what it is that you need yet? Book me in for a 15 minute complimentary discovery call, and let’s have a chat about how we can work together.

Or, enquire about my day rate.

  • No matter what stage or size of your business, a targeted and actionable marketing or communications strategy should be the holy grail behind how you reach, attract, convert and retain your customers.

    A successful strategy will drill into and lay out the foundations of your marketing approach. It’s a big piece of work, but trust me – it’ll be worth it. Together, we’ll go deep into your organisation to discover who you are, and how you will be seen by the world.

    At the end, you’ll come out clear and confident about your:

    • Goals and objectives

    • Market and competitive positioning

    • Unique selling point

    • Ideal customer profiling, and journey

    • Brand voice and vision

    • Key vision

    • Marketing approach and strategic framework

    And on top of all that? You’ll have certainty of your purpose and direction, that will drive your marketing activations over the next three years. No more confusion, overwhelm or flying by the seat of your pants.



    • Initial questionnaire

    • Current marketing audit

    • 3 x 1 – 1.5 hour strategy workshops (via zoom or in person) to whiteboard ideas, brainstorm direction and finalise plan

    • Email / voice note support throughout

    • Marketing/Communications Strategy document

    • Recommendations/next steps

    Please contact me for a bespoke proposal.

  • Got a story to tell, or product to sell? Ready to launch your new venture with a bang, or leverage the bejesus out of an event or sponsorship?

    Then you’ll be looking to develop an effective, engaging and memorable multi-channel marketing or communications (PR) campaign that’ll target and appeal to your ideal customer or stakeholder.


    • Initial questionnaire

    • 1 hour workshop (via zoom or in person) to whiteboard ideas and brainstorm direction

    • Campaign plan

    • One round of reasonable revisions post plan delivery

    Campaign plan will vary depending on project, but could be structured to include:

    • Marketing objectives

    • Key audiences

    • Strategic approach

    • Tactical delivery

    • Key messages

    • Channels

    • Implementation plan

    • Metrics for evaluation

    Budget guidance to be pre-determined.

    Campaign plans start at $1,800. Please contact me for a bespoke proposal.

  • End to end implementation of a campaign, or day to day support to drive your brand's bespoke marketing needs.

    Deliverables (determined by project but could include):

    • Developing key messaging and rolling out all written content including web, social, press, media releases, radio scripts etc

    • Media scheduling, bookings and coordination

    • Working with graphic designers to develop graphics and designs , or developing graphics where appropriate

    • Working with your web developer to optimise and update your website.

    • Developing PR activations and pitching to target media

    • Briefing and working with photographers/videographers to create on-brand content to drive your message

    • Social media planning and scheduling

    • Post campaign analysis

    • Other activations as agreed

    My day rate is $950 (split over two four hour blocks of work).

    Please contact me for a bespoke proposal.

  • One to once marketing and communications coaching for small business owners and senior managers.

    Three sessions available to choose from, depending on what you need:

    1. Strategy in Sixty: A one to one strategy session to arm you with confidence and clarity on your marketing approach. In the 48 hours following our session, you'll receive an email with action points, as well as any further ideas that I've had since our call.

      Investment: $300 + GST

    2. Three Month Coaching: Just like the Strategy in Sixty, but times three. We'll continue our work together over three months, and I'll be available to answer questions or provide guidance over email during that time.

      Investment: $750 + GST

    3. Strategic campaign planning and coaching: We'll work together to create an effective, engaging and memorable multi-channel marketing campaign to target your ideal customer, complete with a three-month implementation calendar. Your finished campaign plan will include: Objectives; Key audiences; Strategic approach; Key messages; Channels; Implementation plan; Metrics of success.

      Throughout the implementation phase of your plan, I’ll provide guidance, offer advice, and help continue the momentum.

      This session includes three workshops to write the campaign, plus additional hours of guidance during the implementation stage.

      Pricing from $2,700 + GST. Please contact me to discuss your specific business needs.

    These workshops are registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To find out whether your business is eligible for support, please visit this link to get in touch with your local Regional Business Growth Advisor.

It’s you and me.

Working with Think Folk equals working with me and only me.

So I keep my client list tight. And that means you can feel confident that when you engage me, you’ll be getting the best of my brain, and the love and attention your business deserves.