Why is your customer’s why so important?

If King Charles and Ozzy Osbourne walked into a bar together there'd be a media frenzy for sure. But also lots of raised eyebrows about how and why they were socialising together, being such very different people (I imagine, can't say I actually know either of them).

And yet, on paper, their demographics - the very ones that would often be used to segment and target audience groups, are almost identical.

✔️Social Economic status
✔️Marital status
✔️Parental status

The Charles/Ozzy comparison has been knocking around on the internet for a while, as an excellent example of why, when developing your customer profiling, we need to look deeper than the surface.

Rather than stopping at surface demographics, consider, what is the customer's why? What problem do they need solving? What will they receive value from?

Now maybe the King of England and the Prince of Darkness do have a similar problem they need you to solve, but the point is we can’t know that just by looking at their demographics. People are complex, and what you can see on the surface doesn’t define us.

Bottoms up 🥂


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