Crocs: Unleashing the Power of Strategic Marketing in your Brand

Hands up who else recoiled in shock the first time they saw a pair of Crocs on the feet of a seemingly cool and stylish teenager, post 2021?

Zooming in on a face in shock

Of any brand I can think of, none have so successfully repositioned themselves as those completely polarising, love ‘em or hate ‘em Crocs. And although it might have seemed like a sudden shift (to me anyway - disclaimer, life with a newborn meant I was a little behind the eight ball on trends for a while) it didn’t happen by accident. The revival of Crocs is all thanks to a clever and hugely confident marketing strategy and ongoing brand awareness campaign that has managed to utterly reshape their reputation from fashion punchline to cool crowd favourite.

Let's explore the key tactics behind the Crocs' brand turnaround, and learn how you can use these same tactics to inspire your brand to shine (without a Beiber budget).

1. Cementing Relevance with a New Generation:

Crocs recognised the importance of targeting a new audience. Rather than dwell on the past, they shifted their focus to Generation Z, captivating the attention of this emerging demographic. By focusing their efforts on engaging with the younger generation, Crocs repositioned themselves as a relevant and trendy brand, forging a connection with a new wave of consumers - fresh eyes who didn’t have those past, negative connotations drilled into their minds.

2. Viral Social Media Content:

Crocs leveraged the power of viral social media content to generate buzz and spark conversations. They created unexpected and attention-grabbing campaigns, like the KFC Crocs collaboration and the high-heeled Crocs by Balenciaga. These initiatives showcased Crocs' versatility and ignited curiosity, amplifying their visibility across various platforms.

3. Influencers and Micro-Influencers:

Crocs strategically collaborated with influential figures like Bad Bunny and Justin Bieber, as well as micro-influencers. By partnering with individuals who resonated with their target audience, Crocs maximised their exposure and reinforced their newfound ‘cool’ status. Influencers played a pivotal role in spreading the word and generating organic buzz around the brand.

4. Embracing Ugly and Promoting Individuality:

Rather than shying away from their distinctive design, Crocs embraced their unique (for want of a better word) aesthetic. They encouraged wearers to express their individuality through Jibbits—accessories that allowed users to personalise their Crocs with various shapes and patterns. This celebration of self-expression tapped into the desire for personalised fashion choices, resonating with consumers seeking authenticity (something that Crocs knew their target audience of Gen Z would respond to).

5. Adapting to the Environment:

Crocs saw an opportunity presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and jumped on it with two feet in, swiftly adapting to the changing environment and capitalising on the shift towards comfortable footwear suitable for home use. On top of this, Crocs distributed their shoes to frontline workers, particularly nurses, as a gesture of support and gratitude. This move enhanced their brand image and showcased their commitment to social responsibility.

Christopher Kane Crocs

Crocs' remarkable transformation serves as a testament to the power of strategic marketing.

Now it's your turn, and don’t worry - you don’t need a Beiber budget to apply these tactics to your own brand. But you do need to be thinking clearly and strategically about the direction of your marketing by doing things like:

  • Constantly checking in and asking yourself if what you’re doing is working. And if it’s not, pivoting your strategy.

  • Knowing your audience - like really, really knowing them. Where are they? What do they like? Do they enjoy a cheeky KFC? Who are they listening to?

  • Respond to the environment around you. Notice what’s happening and figure out how your brand can serve value out of it.


Think Folk specialise in developing tailored marketing strategies that align with your brand's vision, values, and goals. I’d love to be your partner in crafting a strategy that will elevate your brand and connect you with your ideal customers. If you’d like to chat about how we can make this happen, get in touch!

P.S - Do I own a pair of Crocs? No… not yet.


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